Oval Tree Christmas Ornament Tutorial
With December upon us, I thought it would be a great time to share a new Christmas Ornament project with you! I love getting out the Christmas tree and setting it up and adding at least one (sometimes a few) new handmade ornament each year. This year I wanted something I could complete somewhat quickly without making a giant mess! So, I made this little tree from felt scraps, and sewed it onto a fabric oval. Here are the simple instructions to make your own!
- 2 Charm Squares
- Felt scraps in Green, Brown, and Gold (yellow)
- Thread
- Stuffing
- Bakers Twine
- PDF Pattern
Note: If you’d like to use fabric for your tree, that would work great too!

Begin by downloading the pattern and cutting all your shapes from your chosen fabrics.

Use a washable glue stick to glue the tree in place to the front fabric oval.

Sew around the tree if desired. I used black thread and the darning foot for a hand-drawn look to my stitching.

If you want to use a ribbon instead of the twine that fits through a needle, add your ribbon before you sew the two sides together.
Place the front oval right sides together with the back oval, sewing using a 1/4″ seam allowance. Leave a 1 1/2″ opening on one side to turn and stuff the ornament.

Clip the curves on your ornament, making sure not to get too close to the stitching (like I did in the top left corner, I had to repair it!). I used pinking shears to clip mine.

Stuff your ornament with stuffing of choice to the firmness of your choice. I wanted my ornament to be a little flat, so I carefully evened out the stuffing so it wasn’t too full.

Use a ladder stitch or a whip stitch to sew the opening closed.
Use a large needle to carefully thread a piece of baker’s twine through the top of the ornament to hang with.
Hang your ornament on your tree or gift to someone you love!
I hope you enjoyed this simple, fun ornament project! If you’re looking for more free Christmas tutorials, check out my Christmas Tutorial Round Up post for all the other things I’ve made and shared over the years!