Guest Post at Stella Lighting

January has been a quiet month here on the blog, but feels like it’s been anything but quiet at home! Getting back into all our routines after spending some lovely vacation days in Virginia and in Georgia has been difficult. But I’m getting there!
I’m stopping in today to send you over to the Stella Lighting blog as I’m their first guest blogger, sharing three things I cannot live without in my sewing room. If you’re not familiar with Stella Lighting, they sent me a lamp to try in my sewing room in November and I have been loving it so much!
My sewing room feels very dark, it doesn’t overhead lights, and it only has two small windows, couple that with shorter days and spending the brightest part of the day homeschooling, I found my self having very little time to get work done. Sure, I have several regular lamps in there, but with the Stella>>TWO on my cutting table I can work in the evening or at night and clearly see what I’m working on, as well as accurate fabric colors, and safer cutting.
Here are a few more details on the Stella>>TWO, and you can read all about it on the Stella Lightning website here! And you can find @stellalighting on Instagram here!