Twinkle Lights Quilt Along Extended & Small Star Tips
Life has been crazy for me, how about you? Since this is the season of so much to do with so little time, I’ve decided to extend the Twinkle Lights Quilt Along for two more weeks, you now have until February 3rd to share your progress and be entered in the giveaways (make sure to scroll down and check out our sponsors!)
So, even if you start after New Years, if you make just four blocks per week you can finish them all. Now, here are a couple tips for the small star, you can read more about the ruler I used to trim my star points in this post.
Get your copy of the pattern here!

My best tip for the small star blocks is to cut your white/background pieces from largest to smallest, that way if have a leftover you can get some smaller pieces from it and save fabric.

My other tip for the small star is to cut the smaller pieces is to cut a few at a time. I know there are people who cut multiples from strips and not have a problem, but I’m less practiced with that, so I just cut some of my smaller strips two or three at a time. I find working with a smaller ruler helped me too because then I didn’t accidentally move the pieces when I lifted it up.
I’m looking forward to seeing your quilts come together! To join in the quilt along, all you need to do is quilt along with us and share your posts! You can share on Instagram using the tag #twinklelightsquiltalong and making sure to tag me @cloverandviolet, same with Facebook. Alternately, if you have a blog and not social media, you can leave a comment with the link to your post on this or any of the future quilt along posts.