A Long Overdue Update
I’ve been thinking for a couple years that I need to get back to blogging, but it has been so long that I blogged on a regular basis, that I didn’t know where to begin and kept pushing the start off longer and longer. But, today is the day. If you don’t know me, I’m Jennie, a mom of three elementary school children (how did they get so big?) and I write patterns and sew in whatever spare time I can find away from homeschooling and housework. Sewing is my favorite craft (and I’ve tried many!), and I’ve built this little pattern business to share the patterns I’ve dreamed up with all of you (thank you for your support).

If you’ve been here for a long time, or followed me on Instagram, you’ll know my family is an Army family, and as such, we move a lot. Every couple of years we pack up our entire lives (or the moving company does!) and head to a new town where we set up a new life. This summer was one of those move years. We left our remote New Mexico home where we had some of the best friends I’ve had in my life and knew almost everyone in our neighborhood. Our new home in northern Virginia is about as opposite as it gets. We can hear bustling traffic from inside the house and we’re close to shopping, museums, and everything else, but have yet to make any friends (maybe soon! I’m hopeful). All that to say, this change prompted me to get back to blogging, finally!

A small update on family life is in order too. As I said, I homeschool my three children, since we move a lot, the continuity of education was important to me, and it is nice to have the freedom to travel and explore new areas, so we often take days off that most kids are in school, but then still have school on the days some kids have off. We have loved the freedom, but I do sometimes wish I had all the time kids were at school to work on sewing and patterns (and cleaning my house!). However, I know the days are long but the years are short, so we’re making the most of our new adventure and I’ll find time for the sewing.

This blog post has turned a bit random and rambling, and that is part of the reason I’ve put off blogging, I wasn’t sure how to get back to it! But, now the hard part is over! If you have any questions, please leave a comment and I’m happy to answer them. I’ve written up a blogging schedule too, so you can check back soon for updates. I hope your week as been great and I’ll be back with more soon!
Jennie xo
Hi Jennie! It’s good to see you blogging again. I’ve been following you for a long time, and once had a blog myself. I have missed seeing bloggers like you in my feed. Welcome back!
I’m in the same boat with my blogging. Glad to see you back at it. You’re inspiring me to get started again!
I am so excited to see you blogging. I am considering a Vlog…thoughts?
So glad to see you are blogging again! I love reading your blog and seeing all the adorable things you make. I made little purses for my granddaughters with one of your patterns a few years ago, and have enjoyed following you since! I sure know all about packing and moving – I retired in 2015 after 28 years in the Army! I’m sure you’ll have an amazing time in the DC area with your kiddos – such a great opportunity to make your history lessons more fun! 🙂
Hi Jennie, I enjoyed reading this very much and to learn a little bit of you and your family. I look forward to reading your future blogs, and most of all I hope you meet some people soon that will become good friends to your family❤️❤️
Welcome back! I’m an Army brat myself…then married Navy! Although there were challenges, the military was a good life for us, with opportunities to see places we’d not otherwise see. Looking forward to your posts!
I’m glad you’ve popped up again in my bloglovin feed. I wish you well in your new home. My brother-in-law was career Army, and his wife moved the family 35 times. I can see where home schooling would work well, but that wasn’t even thought of 40 years ago. You’ll have so many resources in that history-rich area. Best wishes.
How lovely to see you back in Blogland! I have missed your style and up-beat chatty posts! Please continue as I’m sure you will soon have a loyal readership again. You were one of the first blogs I read, about 10 years ago!
Hi I’m Velda and I blog sporadically over at Freckledfoxquiltery.wordpress.com. Blogging is such a complicated choice for me. (Much more difficult than quilting/making) I sometimes feel like I’m running out of things to talk about and I don’t want to be one of those bloggers who just pushes her pattern/products sales. I want my blog to tell my story, so if you have any ideas or insights into how to do this,, I’m all ears!
I was so glad to see you in my mailbox!! It’s so good to see you! I get it about blogging. I have been really bad at it myself. I can’t believe how grown your kiddos are! I remember when you made the car seat cover for one of your babies!!
Hi Jenny, I’ve missed you! I’m so glad that you’ll be blogging and inspiring me again. I loved reading about your blogging life, didn’t know that you home schooled. Welcome back to your blog, lol!
Welcome to Northern Virginia. I happened to see you post a picture of Finch today and then went to catch up on your blog. I’ve lived here 30+ years and raised my kids in this area, they are mostly grown now. You will find lots of fellow quilters and friends in this area. It’s a great place to live. I started a side quilting business a few years ago while still working in the government and making graduation quilts for many of my daughters friends. I’ve tried blogging a few times and enjoy learning from others. Welcome and thanks for sharing.
Welcome back! I love it when a blog I followed ages ago pops back up in my feed, it’s always such a happy surprises 🙂
So happy to see you back to blogging!