Great Granny Squared Book Giveaway!!{closed}

This giveaway is now closed and the winner has been notified and her book is on its way to her!! Thank you to all who entered!!

I have a little surprise again this Monday morning. Remember when I told you I had more happy mail last week? Well, the happy mail was 2 copies of Lori Holt’s newest book, “Great Granny Squared”. We are excited to be giving away a copy to one of our readers here on our blog. Thanks to the  the Fat Quarter Shop and Lori Holt of Bee in my Bonnet.


This is a lovely book filled with more of Lori’s ideas and techniques for making beautiful quilted projects featuring her great granny square!


This weekend, I opened up the book and took out my basket with some of my favorite scraps and used this for inspiration for a new pillow cover.


This is what I came up with so far. It will cover my pillow form nicely with a 2″ border and then a cute backing fabric! I love granny squares in any shape, size or fabric so this book will be a treasure!!


My plan is to make the great granny square table topper for this newly painted table in my family room. It needs something cute, I think a table topper would look perfect on it (an idea from her book). I will show pictures when I finish it.


If you would like to win this book, leave a comment on this post telling us what you love about spring and you will be entered to win your very own copy of Lori’s book. We will leave this giveaway open until April 1st.

Have fun and enjoy your week. Back to sewing for me!

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  1. Warmer temps and melting snow! I can skip all the mud that melting snow and warmer temps creates. happy for the giveaway. This book is on my list to get soon. Maybe i won’t have to buy it. 🙂 thanks for the chance to win!

  2. Spring is all about flowers and warmer temperatures. I hope Spring is right around the corner. Thank you for the chance to win.

  3. It just has to be the appearance of the first flowers! I love seeing the birds return and the first sprigs of life on the trees, but it really is the flowers for me.

  4. Hello !
    In spring, I love the return of the sun, its warmth… It’s not burning, just nice. And all the colors coming back after winter ! No more grey : nice greens, yellows, oranges : bright colors ! It cheers up all souls 🙂
    Thanks for this giveaway !

  5. Thank You for a neat giveaway! Love all things about Spring: new green grass, budding flowers and more sunshine!

  6. I am very ready for spring… The flowers, longer days, birds, and warmer days!! Oh and the sound of crickets in the evening!!!

  7. I love the longer days and the sunshine on the fresh green leaves in the forest. There is a glade of beech trees in the woods where I walk my dog which are breathtaking in the early spring. Jenny larking at gmail dot com

  8. The colors! After the dull browns of winter I love the fresh, bright greens, the yellows, pinks, purples, whites. The birds. The birds that begin to come back to the bird feeders.

  9. Spring!! YEH!! Spring starts with my birthday….I will forever be a spring chicken!! I love the new life, the green grass, the garden planting, etc. I also love Granny Squares. This book looks awesome!!

  10. What do I NOT love about spring : Rebirth, green, light, life… shedding of layers, liberation of toes from hot sticky boots… *sighs* I can’t wait for it! And I would LOVE a copy of this book. 🙂

  11. Spring!! YEH!! Spring starts with my birthday….I will forever be a spring chicken!! I love the new life, the green grass, the garden planting, etc. I also love Granny Squares. This book looks awesome!!CommentLuv badge

  12. The renewal of life. Blooms of color everywhere. The birth of baby creatures is so exciting. The bird singing. The joy of people getting together. Thank you.

  13. Bright sunny days, warmer weather, green grass, flowers, trees blooming, putsing in the garden, putting away the winter boots, Spring is my favorite time of year!!

  14. What I love about Spring is watching all of my tulips in my garden come up. When we moved here, there was a garden with many different kinds of tulips planted, and it’s so much fun seeing all of them bloom.

  15. This looks like the ultimate inspiration for Spring projects! Boy oh boy would I like to add it to my collection! I haven’t done any Granny blocs yet and am excited to. Thanky you for your inspiration and great titles….Marcia

  16. I live in Arizona so spring is the end of our lovely weather and the beginning of the long, hot summer so there isn’t much to love. However, it’s a great time of year for the vegetable garden. I have a salad with fresh greens for my lunch today.

  17. I love Easter during spring. Since we’ve had rain all the green and wild flowers springing up. Thanks for the great giveaway. Love your table.

  18. I love all the seasons, but this year I’m soon ready for Spring! I love the longer, warmer days, the delicate bulb-y blooms, and the way the whole world seems to green up. Every year I try not to miss the day the Hudson the trees open, and every year I wake up one morning and the greening has happened! Thanks for the opportunity! Love Lori Holt so much!

  19. I love when everything begins to bud and then blooms into beautiful-ness! Seeing more of the sun makes me very happy as well.

    Thanks for a chance to win! This book is on my wishlist.

  20. Oh my spring!!! I can hardly wait, memories of my little girls with their brand new shiny patent leather shoes, pink or purple frilly dresses, cute little hands and white gloves, I used to have sooooo much fun getting them ready for Easter, and then off to church they would go, skipping and sooo proud of their new outfits,,,,, really fun days.

  21. Your Granny Square is adorable! This project has been on my quilting bucket list for a while now. I would love to win the book and maybe that would give me inspiration to complete it!
    I love anything about Spring! It’s my favorite time of the year. Flowers, blue skies, mild temps and we get to pull our trailer out and go camping!
    Thank you for the giveaway!

  22. I love the rain, flowers, colors, the general feeling of newness and freshness. It’s a close second to my favorite time of year.

  23. I love that my daughter was born on the first day of spring…it was a wait for her to get her, but I think the reminder from God of the preciousness of new life on such a day as spring was worth the wait! Thanks for a lovely giveaway!

  24. Even the beach birds are happy in coastal NC. It makes me have for spring and the birds singing!
    The book looks wonderful.

  25. I love looking out my door and seeing green! (instead of dirty brown), that means it’s time to start thinking about the garden (I only use pots, but it’s my garden!)…….Love having the door open!!

  26. I love the beautiful colors of Spring. The grass is a prettier green after it rains. All my roses are in bloom.

  27. I think the best thing about spring is fewer gray days – that really lifts the spirits. Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  28. I’d love to win a copy of the gorgeous book! I also love Spring for the sun streaming through the windows – although reminds me how dirty they are (!) and being able to hang freshly washed laundry out on the line 🙂

  29. I love Spring for the smell of the air, blooming flowers and more sunlight! More sun equals more walks on the beach!

  30. New life in the beginning of flowers and trees sprouting leaves, greening of the grass, the birds singing, warmth of the sun, people enjoying the warmer weather! Spring is my favorite time of year!

  31. Taking off the parka for the season and smelling the fresh, spring air are my two favorite things about spring.

  32. I love seeing the buds and flowers come out from under their blanket of snow. It is great to see colour!

  33. I love the spring green color of the first leaves on the trees before they turn the bolder green. I love seeing the green foliage of the jonquils as they first push through the earths crust. I love the birds going about gathering twigs and the threads of nature to build and bind nests for their young. I love seeing the cardinals, mates for life, working together to prepare for their young. I love seeing children run and play outside with abandon after being house-bound for so long by snow, ice and cold. I love Easter eggs, and seeing families dressed for Easter Sunday to worship and celebrate the risen Savior. That, most of all….

  34. thanks for a chance to win Lori’s new book. The thing I love about spring is all the colors that start sprouting out, greens, yellows, pinks, and purples. And the bluebirds are back!

  35. I love all of the beautiful colors in the garden . . . They become the inspiration for many projects!

    I also have to add that I love the color of your family room table!

  36. I love being able to get outside & walk again. My husband & I took a 2 mile walk yesterday & it felt so good. I’ve been wanting to make a granny square quilt & winning this book would be the impetus I need to get it done.

  37. Love the fabric you have used in your pillow cover! What I really love about spring is the warmer weather which means that I can start drying clothes outside again and the children can spend more time outside instead of being stuck indoors. 🙂

  38. I have the Granny Square book and it is great. I hope to make a quilt out of the hundreds of strips I have. They seem to keep growing!

  39. I have the Granny Square book and I really like it. Hope to be able to make a granny square quilt out of the hundreds of strips I have. The strips just keep growing!! :O)

  40. Spring is everything new, new growth on trees, new fresh flowers. Spring opens the door for summer (which I LOVE!) with bright colors and sunshine. Thanks for the chance to win! I would love to have a copy of Lori’s new book.

  41. What do I love about Spring?… more snow! This year has been over the top and I am tired of being cold!

  42. Spring is the time of daffodils and more, sunshine, new life and hope! Who wouldn’t love Spring! Looking forward to seeing your new table topper! This book sounds like it would be so much fun! Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. My most favorite thing about spring is the lengthening days and increased sunlight! Living at the US-Canadian border means less than eight full hours of sunlight in the depth of winter!

    My second most favorite thing of spring is the miracle of gardening, poking a small seed in the ground and seeing it come up and grow!

  44. I love granny squares and Lori Holt’s designs. She is very talented! I follow your blog by Bloglovin and enjoy your posts. Thank you for the chance to win this book.

  45. I love the crabapple blossoms in my front yard, and also the return of baseball in spring. Love love love those granny squares, no matter what project they appear in!

  46. Well we’ve had the wettest weather here in Ireland since 1866, so itching to get into the garden to do some planting and weeding so we can see a bit of colour, yay!

  47. My favorite thing about Spring is that I have grandbaby #7 due THIS Spring 🙂 Can’t wait to meet little Miss Daisy!!! Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous book! I have a deep love for the granny squares myself 🙂

  48. Here where I live spring is the polar opposite and who doesn’t like a new fresh look on life? The heavier, darker browns, rust and deep greens are replaced with light weights that are fresh and lively colors of whites, turquoise, bright greens, vibrant reds and pink and citrus colors. Our foods we serve are no longer the warm inviting comfort foods of stews and pot pies but fresh crispy salads, lighter cuts of meat with citrus flavorings to pair with the upcoming tomto and cucumber sides. Ironic how those fabric colors speak to us of promised blossoms and fresh melons and sunshine! A beautiful new season rolls around.

  49. Ahhhh spring! I’m a quiver at the thought of feeling the sun and air on my bare limbs! And the first bits of colour … spring bulbs reaching the surface. I can’t wait!!

  50. Spring is colorful – warm – and my hummingbirds come back!! Also, Spring ushers in Summer.

  51. spring? hopefully it means this confounded snow will end soon and melt away…

    but seriously. i love the grass and the burst of flowers and color everywhere!

  52. I live in farm country and spring means first cutting of hay. I love the fresh smell of newly cut hay.

  53. Granny squares are a classic. And a favorite for me as my grandbabies call me Granny. Getting fabrics ready to make a Granny Sq Quilt currently so this book would be a nice help. C

  54. I love seeing March flowers ,redbud trees and dogwood trees bloom. I also love the smell of fresh turned dirt(breaking the garden) and hearing the peepers at night.

  55. I just love all of my flowers blooming like the daffodils, tulips, peonies, and iris. I just get a good feeling being outside and enjoying nature and the birds. Thanks so much for the giveaway. I purchased Lori’s last book and just love it.

  56. I am looking forward to spring and the end of one of the worst winters in the Northeast. I am waiting for the first peeks of crocuses and daffodils. And can’t wait to plant spinach seeds. Thanks for the chance!

  57. I love the colors of spring, the daffodils and tulips, the sun, the bright green of the leaves and a nice cup of coffee in the sun! Thanks for the chance!

  58. I think just about anyone answering this would answer NO SNOW! LOL That’s one of my favorite things about Spring, but my most favorite is my lilac bushes will be in full bloom, even if for a short time. When they are blooming, because they run the full width of the front of my property, about 150 feet (minus the driveway between the two rows), my entire yard and inside my home is filled with that wonderful scent. That always makes me smile

  59. I love the flowers and the extended daylight! We have had enough of the snow this Winter. We are expecting more tomorrow ugh! Thanks for the chance to win one of the books.

  60. I love the longer days as well as the warmth of the sun. It’s just so nice to bd out and about without boots, heavy coat, mitts, toque and scarf. Happy spring to you!

  61. I could make a list, warm weather, grass going green, crocus and trees with little green leaves an flower buds
    unfortunately here in the mid atlantic, it is supposed to snow again on wednesday
    so real spring will have to wait

  62. I am just glad that spring means the snow will melt soon (usually). Love the longer days and knowing the flowers will be blooming soon to add color to our yard.

  63. I love spring it’s rebirthing rejuvenation both around you and in your soul thank you for a lovely giveaway

  64. I love spring because I love the happy looks on people. It’s a refreshing time when things start growing and peoples attitudes change,,
    I love also the smell of my daffodils and my other flowers..the beautiful colors of my flowers and the green foliage.

  65. I love the colors of spring, especially the yellows, purples and greens! Oh, and the scents of the flowers too are wonderful!

  66. I love when the birds that migrate for the winter return. In the spring, the area comes alive with robins, blue birds, red winged black birds, house finches, and Carolina wrens.

  67. What do I love about spring? The one thing I love the most is being able to open the windows and hear the sweet birds sing! It has been one long, brutal winter in Iowa and I can hardly wait til warm weather!

  68. Oh, I would love a chance to win a copy! Thank you!! Well, spring is my favorite season because of the weather and my wedding anniversary! 😉 xo Heather

  69. My favorite spring thing is Easter Sunday when we have an annual Easter Egg hunt with my grandchildren. It is the best thing to watch them scampering around the yard looking for eggs.

  70. I love the smell of soil and perennials returning to life. I love the longer days and the warmth of the sun on my face. I love the return of the song birds; the waking of the hibernating critters and the fresh showers that begin around here in May. I am thankful for pretty Spring fabrics and new patterns to use them in. Thank you for such a lovely giveaway.

  71. What I love about Spring is that Winter is over. After this Winter I am so ready to see the flowers blooming and the grass turn green (after all the snow is melted). Thanks for the great giveaway.

  72. my favorite thing about spring is being able to have a cup of coffee on my deck in the afternoon and listen to the birds (even if I have to have a coat on I’m out there the first chance I get)
    thanks for the chance in your giveaway!

  73. Love Spring for the New Beginnings…flowers, trees, grass….all waking up! Colors coming back! Sunshine!! Warm days, open windows & clothes blowing on the line! Looooove all the freshness & Sparkle of Spring!!!

  74. I love the fragance of spring flowers, the warmth of the sun on the flowers adds to both the beauty of the flowers and the joy of the long awaited sunshine.

  75. I love everything about spring! Winters are very, very long here and spring brings sunshine and warm breezes. Open windows and birds singing. Hummingbirds buzzing around the feeder. We can go outside without boots, coats, hats, scarves and gloves. The roads are dry or at least not icy anymore. The days are long and we have sun again. I know I mentioned sun already but I really have missed the sun!

  76. It’s always stinking hot where I live so Spring brings a “go outside and play in the fresh air” day for my girls instead of “stay inside under the air-con” … needless to say they prefer Spring much better 🙂 Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  77. When Spring comes around I love the sunshine, the hint of warmth in the air, the flowers sprouting up in the garden, the scent of the jasmine and freesias and jonquils. Love it.

  78. the Sun is out, the Birds Are singing. The trees are starting to go Green and specially around this Time all the tulips and dafadils are shooting Out the ground with there pretty colors. That inspires me to buy pretty fabric for a new quilt.
    Gruß Sylvia

  79. Thank you for a great giveaway. I love the spring flowers, the lighter mornings and evenings, and our wedding anniversary.

  80. Flowers and birds and everything green! Plus it doesn’t hurt to be able to take off the sweaters, sweatshirts, turtlenecks and insulated!

  81. Considering we’re getting ready to get hit with another 4-8 inches of snow – Grass would be nice – Green Grass! It seems we’ve been snow covered since November. Thanks for the chance!

  82. I love Lori’s work and having a copy of her book would be wonderful! Thanks for the chance to win something so enlightening!

  83. I love fresh air and being able to send the kids out to play. I love hearing their happy giggles echo through the yard!

  84. I love that it starts getting warmer and the flowers come out. Is the giveaway open internationally? I’m in the UK.

  85. What a wonderful book. I love so much about spring. No more bone chilling cold. Jackets that are not so bulky. New color in plants. Smell of rain. Smell of fresh cut grass. Baby ducks. Etc……

  86. In Houston we only have a few weeks where it’s cool enough for Azaleas to bloom. That’s my favorite thing about spring! Thanks for the giveaway.

  87. I love that spring emans summer is coming closer and I will be able to spend more time with my daughter. She will be a senior in high school next year, so life is about to change for all of us.

  88. I love the excited happy feeling i get when I wake up to birds singing and blue sky and the smell of thawing dirt in the garden 🙂

  89. I love the sunshine and fresh air and hanging wash on the line (like today! I am just hoping it stays on the line and doesn’t land in the mud!) Thanks for an awesome giveaway!

  90. I love the new growth popping up all around. Flowers, trees, grass, and even weeds. Everything is coming alive!

  91. I love spring for the beautiful colors that start blooming. Also bee’s start coming out and I am a loving fan of bee’s

  92. My favorite part of spring… I love walking around my yard waiting and watching the flowers start to pop out of the ground.

  93. Spring means you can walk outside without the danger of slipping on ice! And everything turns green,
    Thanks for a great giveaway.

  94. What is my fave thing about Spring?
    Well, tulips are my favourite flower and I have some lovely purple and yellow ones waiting to break free. I got the bulbs form a pen pal in Holland.
    I also love Crocuses and Snowdrops!
    Thanks for the giveaway,
    Jacqueline in Pitt Meadows

  95. I love spring because the flowers start poking up through the chilly ground. It makes me anxious to grab my camera and take pictures of their blooms.

  96. I love spring because everything outside wakes up. There are birds everywhere, smells the dogs love to investigate, and plants waiting to be planted or cleaned up. Flowers blooming crown it all! It’s wonderful to live where there are seasons.

  97. I love daffodils coming up through the brown earth! Flowers and warmer weather are some of the things I love about Spring.

  98. New birth of the plants, animals and even the air has a fresh clean smell. You can’t help but get a renewed perspective on life!

  99. Birds singing! It’s so nice to hear their song once again now that the worst of winter is over where I live. Thank you for the chance to win this book, I love crocheted granny squares, having a granny squares quilt would be fun!

  100. i love starting a garden…this year we will be in a new house in May…so our garden will probably be small in comparison to last year….but still so much fun. bring it on spring! (says the lady sitting at home with her kids who have school cancelled due to a crazy snow/ice/sleet blizzard)

  101. Spring! I love the sunshine and warmer temps and sitting on my deck and watching my plants grow. I especially like being able to pack away the winter coats and boots!

  102. I love the warm sunny days that Spring brings, before all the humidity comes :). Also, I love sitting on my back porch with my family eating homemade ice cream. Love the quilt book and all the fun ideas for scrappy looking quilts, which are my favorite 🙂

  103. I love the wild flowers and volunteer veggies that spring up in unexpected places. Spring is a chance to start fresh and clear out my garden to start anew but I never pluck the volunteers even if they have grown in strange locations.

  104. I don’t think I’ve been warm since August so I can’t wait for some warm spring days! Your block reminds me of spring with it’s vibrant clear colors. And I love, love the table! I’ve looked at this block several times but haven’t taken the leap – would love to have the book to help me do that. blessings, marlene

  105. Sunshine with a little coolness before the heat. Missouri gets pretty humid once it gets hot. All the pretty flowers coming to life wakes you up a little bit put some pep in your step. Out of hibernation. Thanks for the great giveaway chance.

  106. I love the Spring buds on the trees, the robins returning after a hard winter, the fresh air coming in open windows and scheduling shop hopping for nee fabric.

  107. Oh man, I love spring! Warm sunshine, green grass, tulips and lily of the valley, and finishing up the school year and getting to dig in the dirt again!

  108. Spring means flowers blooming, frogs croaking, the smell of fresh turned earth, and time to plant the garden.

  109. lighter evenings! i hate leaving for work in the dark and leaving work in the dark. I get to see my bunnies in the spring without peering into a darkened hutch trying to make out their shadows!

  110. I love the warmer weather, the sound of birds singing, and all the spring flowers! Thanks for the chance to win!

  111. I love seeing people with pep in their step, spring puts smiles on everyone’s faces. Thanks for the giveaway!

  112. I love being able to be outside without a coat and being warm. I love working in the garden and smelling fresh dirt. I love spring flowers. Thanks.

  113. This may sound strange; but one thing that I love about Spring is Spring cleaning! I love to throw open the windows, get the musty winter smell out of our home, and then make everything shine again. I love to see everything so clean and tidy, and I love the fresh clean smell inside as the fresh air replaces the winter fireplace smell. Having a clean home gives me motivation to be creative and SEW!

  114. What I love about Spring is all the color that returns to our dreary surroundings. I really hate the dirty snow when it’s melting, some of these piles are so huge they will be here until May! Lilacs are my favorite flower. Thanks for the give away!

  115. I love the flowers but especially love the lighter mornings and evenings too. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  116. I love the greens and other wonderful colours. And as I have two little children, I love that we do not need to wear the winter clothing anymore. Thank you for the giveaway!

  117. I love the smell of grass, the sound of birds and the warmth of the sun. They are welcomed old friends! Thanks for a chance at the book and happy Sunday!

  118. I love to have the windows open for fresh air, even if it is still a bit chilly. And the best part – the first green flowers poking through the earth, a sure sign spring is on the way!

  119. We’ve had over 60 inches of snow this winter (since January) and last week I thought we were going to have some Spring weather…no, it snowed 3 inches last night! So I am so ready to see the beautiful green shoots from the ground and glorious hyacinths!!!! I have been making very colorful blocks…make Spring come!!! Lol!!!

  120. What I love about spring is staying outside all day! And strawberry picking! Sadly we moved from SC where we were only 4 mins from the strawberry farm. But I’ve heard there is on near Austin!

  121. I am excited to put in a garden with my kids. We started a few seeds indoors already. I can’t wait for all the snow we have to melt. Thanks for the chance to win. Meg

  122. I love the new greens and rains of spring…where I live it’s brown, dead grass. We don’t get much snow and if we do it melts right away. We’re just waiting on some MUCH needed rain at this point. I love Lori’s style and the pictures of her house she includes in her books ! Thanks

  123. I love Lori Holt’s work! I crochet granny squares all of the time. I ‘d love to have a copy! Thank you!

  124. I love Spring because every thing is being reborn, and getting warm outside but not hot, and my birthday is coming up!

  125. What do I love about Spring? Where do I begin? I love the bird songs, trees in blossom, deep blue skies, cooling breezes, flowers, and green everywhere. Here in California, the grass turns brown in Summer.Thank you for offering this giveaway. I would love to add this book to my collection. I have Lori’s “Quilty Fun” and adore it.

  126. Ooh… I would say I wait and wait to see my peach-orange day lily to blossom to grace the spot on the side of the driveway. It only comes out during spring for a brief time! I love the Granny Squares and I have a ziplock bag FULL of scrappy 2 1/2 squares waiting to be quilted!

  127. Just stumbled on to your blog this morning. Anxious to read and read…
    Spring means time to get outside, clean up the yard and put out some color.
    I love color, and would love to win Granny Squared.
    Fingers are crossed. Thanks, Lisa

  128. Lori Holt is the best side of the brain, she really reflects all the BEST things in her books, I really want this one!

  129. I have been away from my computer for a while….I NEEDED to get back to my sewing. I just can’t remember if I’ve entered for a chance to win Loris book. It would be a great addition to my quilting library !

  130. I love when the sun shines through the windows and makes everything bright, but not too hot! I would LOVE to win a copy of Lori’s book! I’ve been wanting to make a Great Granny Squared quilt! Thx.

  131. Spring is slow to get here (western MA). We still have lots of snow. Hoping to hear the first Red Winged Blackbirds, that means Spring to me. This is a great give away. Thank you.

  132. I love sunshine and being able to be out and at the cabin and camping. I don’t like hot humid weather but non-heavy coat is wonderful. Bring on the sunshine.

  133. What I most love about spring is the beautiful flowers blooming and the birds chirping flying from tree to tree.

  134. My favorite thing about spring is flowers pushing up through the dry grass and snow, peeking their little faces out to see if it’s safe to come out show off their beauty! 🙂

  135. Thought spring was here last week in NE PA. But we got 6 inches of snow last night. Can’t wait for the flowers!

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