Pretty Patchwork Gifts


This is my pretty new book! It is written by the very talented and kind, Helen Philipps. She has a beautiful blog that I love to visit!


Just looking at the pictures is a treat!


The front! So many details that just add so much to this wonderful idea of hers. It was a lot of fun choosing out of some of my favorite fabric stash, don’t you just love stash?!


And the back!


I really Love this pillow! I did make mine a little smaller but only by the seam allowances. I will be sending this to my mom for her birthday! She will love it, she loves hearts!!


I made this flower pincushion for my mom, also, I think is adorable. You will have to see Helen’s book to see her other ideas for these little flowers.



And…….a cute little bird house bunting that is for my precious granddaughter, Norah. It will look so lovely hanging on her bedroom wall above her crib. I made it using Ruby, which happens to be one of Jennie’s favorite fabrics.

I could hardly wait to show you these fun and sweet projects! I am excited to see all these gifts in their new homes, guess I’ll have to make some travel plans!!

If you have never visited Helen’s blog then you are in for a special treat. If you have, then you know what I mean when I say it is bright, and always cheerful!!

Have a wonderful Friday!

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  1. Your mom is definately very blessed to receive such pretty handmade gifts. I was looking at Helen’s book last night at Barnes and Nobles, but settled on “Quilts from the House of Tula Pink”. I am looking forward to seeing more of your projects! XOXO

  2. Everything looks precious! Your stitches are amazing on your pillow. What a treat for your mom, it will be! :o) Helen is just the sweetest isn’t she? Her blog is one of my very favorite! :o) Trish xo

  3. Wow – such pretty projects you’ve made! Thanks for introducing me to Helen and her blog, and her book…I’ll be spending more time there. You have captured the “look” perfectly with your lovely creations!

  4. So much prettiness! I know Nana will love the pillow too, it is just darling. And the Ruby bunting, I may have to steal it from Norah…

  5. Dear Clara This is such a lovely post! Thank you so much for your very sweet words about my book and for the links to me. I absolutely love your version of the hearts and flowers cushion (I loved making this pattern!), and it is always a pleasure to see how others make the projects with their own fabric choices….yours look really delightful. I hope your family love their pretty patchwork gifts!
    Thank you again for the very kind mention,. Wishing you a wonderful week 🙂
    Helen x

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