Pillowcase Dresses

As the weather warms up, I decided to finally buckle down and make Norah some dresses. After a two hour fight with my serger {it hasn’t been out of the box in two years!}, I finally got it threaded correctly and made a few little dresses!

Fabric: Ruby by Bonnie & Camille for Moda

For the dress I cut 2 – 12″ long x 16″ wide pieces.Β  Then I cut triangles off that were 4″ long and 2 1/2″ wide.Β  The ruffle was 4″ x WOF.Β  The tie was 1 1/2″ x WOF before sewing and turning.Β  Each one took about 1/2 yard of fabric, plus a coordinating tie.

Fabric: Good Fortune by Kate Spain for Moda

They fit perfectly for about a 9 month size dress, and look cute with a t-shirt and leggings too!

Fabric: Preeti by Jessica Swift for Blend

It is so fun to see my cute little girl in clothes I made her!

Oh, and I was wondering, do you buy coordinating thread for sewing clothes?Β  All I had on hand was neutrals, and it worked fine for these simple dresses…but am I the only one who sews everything with neutrals?

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  1. I was always taught to match the thread to the fabric, especially for topstitching. But that was when I sewed clothing. As I have begun to quilt I started using neutral threads and i like the look of the neutrals even as topstitching. If I have a matching color at home, I use it. If I don’t, I use neutrals.

  2. I used to buy matching thread for every outfit I sewed, but that adds up and then you have lots of partial spools. ISince I have begun quilting I think neutral is better, for me anyway! I have seen some clothing for children that had topstitching with embroidery stitching from a machine and thought it looked adorable.

  3. GORGEOUS dresses & GORGEOUS children! How lucky you are!

    And NO you’re not the only one to sew with neutrals, lol. It’s much more convenient than constantly changing threads.


  4. ADORABLE…………The dresses and of course Norah and Silas, so, so, precious.

    The thread ~ you are NOT the only one using neutrals….

    You have a beautiful family.

  5. Goodness, she is cute. And those chubby legs!!! πŸ™‚ I love these little dresses – the ruffle at the bottom really makes them stand out.

    As to coordinating thread, I usually don’t bother if I can get away with it. Sometimes, though, I have something in my stash already that works or the stitching would simply stand out too much for my taste. In that case, I will buy new thread. And I never buy different thread for my serger… I haven’t serged anything dark enough for anything other than white cones yet. πŸ™‚

    P.S. This is Michelle from If Toys Could Talk/Little Peanut. I updated my blog URL and name recently (my toy blog is still the same), to allow me to go in some new directions.

  6. Cute, cute, cute! And the dress is adorable too. πŸ™‚

    A fight with your serger? Yikes! I have never even plugged me in. Which makes my husband wonder why I insisted that I “needed” a serger in the first place!

  7. I love these dresses! She is so stinking cute! When I get around to sewing something I do use a coordinating thread, but I don’t normally buy new thread, I just use something close that I have on hand. I have these huge spools of thread that last forever, I can’t remember when I got them. That’s what I use, and if the color isn’t perfect, I don’t worry too much because chances are, the clothes aren’t perfect, either!

  8. Cute! Cute! Cute!
    I like to match thread to fabric color for garment sewing, especially if there is topstitching, but that’s just a personal preference. I use neutrals all the time for quilting.

  9. With those two cuties around, I am amazed that you get any sewing done. Love the little dresses.
    I having been buying neutral thread for the past few years. Only use the old colored ones if they are a close match.

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