Mini Needle Book Pattern


Do you love a quick project you can make in just an afternoon? One that uses all your favorite fabric scraps? Something that you can say “I made this today”? Me too! So, I’ve created this sweet Mini Needle Book Pattern that you can purchase in our store today!

For the Mini Needle Book I wanted to give you small project that you could make that would be useful, and that you could make in a little bit of time. I know many of us are so busy that finding time to sew can be a challenge, but having that fun project that you can put together in a short time and have something so cute to show for it can really make my day.

I chose a simple four patch quilt block for two of the needle books and then used a simple Foundation Paper Pieced block for the second option. Foundation paper piecing is one of my favorite techniques for patterns and I love using it to add an accurate block to my projects.

I added cute pockets to the inside of the needle book so you can stuck a pair of embroidery scissors, some thread, or maybe even thread wax inside. Having these hand stitching items all together is a great way to keep projects organized! I even use different needle books for different sized needles, so I know which one I want depending on which project I’m making!

I hope you love this needle book! I would love to see the Mini Needle Books you make, please share on social media using the hashtag #candvminineedlebook and #cloverandvioletpatterns so we can see your post and share it too!

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  1. Hi, I received the email with the mini needle book but can’t open the pattern. Thank you for your help. Hugs,

    1. Hello Sandi,
      Please email us at office [at] cloverandviolet [dot] com so we can fix this for you! Hopefully you can get the pdf soon!


    1. Hello Stephanie!
      If you are having trouble downloading the pdf, please email us at office [at] cloverandviolet [dot] com so we can fix that for you.

      Hope to hear from you soon!
      Team C&V

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